Learn about who is a leader; what leadership is; the essential qualities of good leaders; and the outcome of good leadership. This course enables working professionals to understand and recognize the inputs and outcomes of good leadership which enhances their ability to be good leaders.
Great leaders breed leaders. Coaching skills enable the leader to enhance the growth of their followers by releasing their full potential.
Learn how to be a person of great influence by enhancing your emotional intelligence. People who demonstrate high levels of emotional intelligence are more impactful as leaders than people who have high levels of pure intelligence. Emotional intelligence can be learned and enhanced, and this is what working professionals will gain from this class. They will learn strategies to improve their emotional intelligence and become better influencers of others.
Learn how to accelerate the transformation of a group into a team. Teams achieve more and generate greater job satisfaction in employees. Working professionals attending this class will learn how to use their skills and influence to mold their groups into teams.
Poorly handled conflict is a leading cause of poor productivity, and well-handled conflict can boost creativity and organizational performance. Working professionals who attend this course will learn how to manage conflict effectively to achieve excellent outcomes in their organizations and departments.
Leaders are often entrusted with resources and must learn to be careful stewards of these resources. Learn the differences between management and leadership. It is important to be a good manager and a good leader. Working professionals will learn the principles of good management and be more effective at managing scarce resources after this class.